Don't worry about trying to get each part separately - they're all bundled together. The JMRI® software is a suite of programs and is a single download. Through the use of a computer interface, you can control your layout using your smart phone, a desktop/laptop computer, or automate your layout so you can relax and entertain guests without trains crashing into each other. Typically, this involves letting you put a value into a CV that is referenced by its location hardly a user-friendly interface! A computer can simplify this by keeping track of values, while displaying options in human-readable terms instead of bits. This is called programming, and most DCC systems provide a means to do it. To get the most of them, you must put specific values into a large number of configuration variables (CVs).

Modern multifunction DCC decoders have many options. Please see the Software page for other software relating to trains at a more general level. Other software, allows for train control and acts like a cab ( throttle). Some software programs your decoders, which can be either multifunction or accessory decoders. There are various types of DCC software available. Other systems dispense with the command station altogether and the computer connects directly to a special booster (SPROG, Hornby eLink).
Some systems allow you to connect the computer directly via a serial port built into the command station (EasyDCC, NCE, Hornby Elite). For example, if you were using a Digitrax system, you connect to the LocoNet through a PR3, PR4 or a Locobuffer.

Generally, you connect your computer to the layout via a device called a computer interface using your throttle network that is a part of your DCC system. Regardless, you still need to connect your computer to your DCC layout before you can use any of these tools. There are freely available applications and tools as well as commercial applications. 2.1 Java Model Railroad Interface (JMRI).